Sunday, June 9, 2013

Rounded Corners on Veneered Wood

Solid Wood or Veneer?
Last month I asked whether this was solid or veneer. It is actually sepele veneer on plywood. Sepele is similar in color and grain to mahogany. I have strips of mahogany on the edges and the challenge was having the curved corner. Finish hasn't been applied yet and my intention is have it appear to be solid mahogany.

I'm going to show the processes to create the curved corner. After gluing the mahogany strips to the edges of the plywood, I cut the two corners off diagonally.

I then glue a piece of mahogany to the corner edges. I need a 4" radius so I made the mahogany strip wide enough to cut to this measurement.

I've inserted a metal dowel pin that my router circle jig used for the center and rounded the corner.

I'm starting to run out of mahogany so here I glue two narrower pieces.
These pieces need to be cut flush to the edges before using the circle jig.

Lastly, I patch the hole from the dowel pin and veneer both sides with the sepele. The mahogany edges are then rounded over on my router table.

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